
Scientists and Inventors : History and Biography of Scientific Discoveries


This is a bundle of biographies of scientists and inventors that have paved the way for the technology and society we enjoy today. Their genius ideas and out-of-the-box thinking have been inspiring and courageous, to say the least. These are the inventors we will discuss in this great combo of books:

Alan Turing: The Famous Cryptographer Who Broke the Nazi Enigma Code

Albert Einstein: One of the Greatest Physicists of All Time

George Stephenson: His Inventions in the Industrial Revolution

Isaac Newton: His Theories on Gravity, His Inventions, and His Philosophy

Marie Curie: History of the Pioneer Radioactivity Researcher

Michael Faraday: Theories about Electromagnetism and Electrochemistry

Nikola Tesla: History of His Inventions, Engineering and Electric Projects, and Predictions

Nostradamus: The Prophesies of an Astrologer, Physician, and Reputed Seer

Thomas Edison: His Inventions, His Business, and His Electric Power Generation

Wright Brothers: History of Their Reputation, Invention, and First Flight

Narrador/a: Chris Newman